Transformer Oil

Transformer oils are insulating oils with excellent electrical insulating and anti-oxidative properties.  It is used in Power and Distribution Transformers, high-voltage capacitors as well as high-voltage circuit breakers.

In the case of Transformers, transformer oil preserves the transformer core and windings at high temperatures by suppressing corona discharge and arcing between the winding, transformer core, and surrounding environment.

Transformer Oil must have high dielectric strength, thermal conductivity and chemical stability to perform its primary function as an insulator and coolant in transformer, and should hold these properties at high temperatures for extended period of time.

Transformer Oil as an Insulator

It acts as an insulator by maintaining the supply of electrical current at a constant voltage and protects against damage due to voltage fluctuations.

Transformer Oil as a Coolant

It acts as a coolant in oil-cooled transformers where copper coils get heated at high voltages.

Tech Specifications

Sr. No.


Test Method




1 Viscosity at -40 °C IS 1448 (Part 25) 12 mm2/s. max.
2 Viscosity at 0 °C IS 1448 (Part 25)
3 Viscosity at -30 °C IS 1448 (Part 25) 1800 mm2/s. max.
Viscosity at -40 °C I S 16084
4 Pour point IS 1448 (Part 10/Sec 2) -40 °C max
5 Water content IEC 60814 1) 30 mg/kg max. for bulk supply
2) 40 mg/kg max. for drum supply
6 Breakdown voltage IS 6792 i) 30 KV min. delivered
ii) 70 KV after treatment
7 Density at 20 °C IS 1448 (Part 16) 0.895 g/ml max.
8 DDF at 90 °C IS 16086/ IEC 60247 0.005, max.
9 Particle content IS 13236 No general requirement



10 Appearance Clear, free from sediment and suspected matter
11 Acidity (Neutralization Value) IEC 62021 – 1 0.01 mg KOH/g max.
12 Interfacial tension mN/m ASTM D 971 40 mN/M Min
13 Total sulphur content ISO 14596/ ASTM D 4294 Max 0.05% before Oxidation Stability test.
14 Corrosive sulphur DIN 51353 Not corrosive
15 Potentially corrosive sulphur IS 16310 Not corrosive
16 DBDS IS 16497 (Part 1) Not detectable (< 5 mg/kg)
17 Inhibitors of IEC 60666 IS 13631 (U) Uninhibited oil; Not detectable (< 0.01%)
18 Metal passivator additives of IEC 60666 to IS 13631 IS 13631 Not detectable (< 5 mg/kg) or as agreed upon with the purchaser
19 Other additives
20 2-Furfural and related comp, content IS 15668 Not detectable (< 0.05 mg/kg) for each individual compound



21 Oxidation stability IS 12422 (method C)
Test duration (U) Uninhibited Oil: 164 hrs
a) Total acidity 1.9.4 of IS 12422 1.2 mg KOH/g max.
b) Sludge 1.9.4 of IS 12422 0.8% max.
c) DDF at 90 C 1.9.4 of IS 12422 0.500 max.
22 Gassing tendency IEC 60628:1985, Method A No general requirement
23 ECT No general requirement



24 Flash Point IS 1448 (Part 21) 135 °C, min.
25 PCA content IP 346 3.0%, max.
26 PCB content I S 16082 / ASTM-D-4059 Not detectable (< 2 mg/kg)